Cox® Distraction Decompression Technic

Cox® Technic is a gentle, safe, non-force, non-surgical, spinal decompression procedure.
Nearly 55 years of research, clinical experience, and technology have contributed to the development and evolution of Cox® Technic.
Cox® Technic is used by 63.7% of chiropractic physicians in the U.S., while a few are back pain specialists certified in proper protocols by Dr. Cox and are listed in the referral directory of certified doctors.
Dr. Sommer is among the few listed in Australia, and is the longest-certified clinician in Australia.
Nearly 55 years of research, clinical experience, and technology have contributed to the development and evolution of Cox® Technic.
Cox® Technic is used by 63.7% of chiropractic physicians in the U.S., while a few are back pain specialists certified in proper protocols by Dr. Cox and are listed in the referral directory of certified doctors.
Dr. Sommer is among the few listed in Australia, and is the longest-certified clinician in Australia.