Disc REGENERATION after decompression
Dr Ilan Sommer DC (USA): (Research Pearls):
For years doctors looked at disc degeneration as a result of aging, trauma, wear and tear etc. The following research talks about disc REGENERATION after decompression. What a great study that validate what we do in the clinic!!!
SPINE. 2006 JUL 1;31(15):1658-65. DEPARTMENT OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY, UNIVERSITY OF HEIDELBERG, GERMANY "Disc distraction shows evidence of regenerative potential in degenerated intervertebral discs as evaluated by protein expression, magnetic resonance imaging, and messenger ribonucleic acid expression analysis"
For years doctors looked at disc degeneration as a result of aging, trauma, wear and tear etc. The following research talks about disc REGENERATION after decompression. What a great study that validate what we do in the clinic!!!
SPINE. 2006 JUL 1;31(15):1658-65. DEPARTMENT OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY, UNIVERSITY OF HEIDELBERG, GERMANY "Disc distraction shows evidence of regenerative potential in degenerated intervertebral discs as evaluated by protein expression, magnetic resonance imaging, and messenger ribonucleic acid expression analysis"